Major Projects
VICE Media’s Tracking Trump’s Congress Project (2017-2018)
“Does Testosterone Affect Your Politics?” (VICE, April 2023)
“Experts Predict if AOC Will End Up Becoming President” (VICE, May 2019)
“Lower Your Already Low Expectations for Congress in 2019” (VICE, December 2018)
“Stormy Daniels Takes Control” (The Outline, December 2018)
“The Midterms Weren’t Actually That Broken, Observers Say” (VICE, November 2018)
“The Strange, Centuries-Long History of Satanic Pedophile Panics” (VICE, November 2018)
“The Government Isn’t Doing Enough to Protect Voting Systems from Hackers” (VICE, October 2018)
“Congress Can Reign in America’s Forever Wars, It Just Won’t” (VICE, September 2018)
“Here’s What Will Happen If Trump’s NAFTA Deal Falls Apart” (VICE, September 2018)
“Should We Ban Balloons?” (Make Change, September 2018)
“Congress Hates Trump’s Trade Wars, But It Won’t Do Anything about Them” (VICE, August 2018)
“Inside The Most Important Battle in Congress You Aren’t Paying Attention To” (VICE, July 2018)
“Three Big Economic Ideas for Revolutionizing Our Social Safety Nets” (Make Change, July 2018)
“Breaking: Congress Continues to Do Pretty Much Nothing” (VICE, July 2018)
“Nine Months after Hurricane Maria, Congress Isn’t Doing Much to Help” (VICE, June 2018)
“Congress Can Save Social Security for Millennials, It Just Won’t” (VICE, June 2018)
“Trump’s Failure to Hire People Is Doing Serious Damage” (VICE, June 2018)
“A Guide to the Messy, Multi-Sided State of North Korean Diplomacy” (VICE, May 2018)
“Trump’s Move Towards A Trade War Is Likely Making China Nervous” (VICE, May 2018)
“Veterans Are Worried Trump Is Poised to Dismantle the VA for Good” (VICE, April 2018)
“The Trump Administration’s Constant, Glaring Typos Are A Big Deal” (VICE, March 2018)
“What Trump Could Learn from America’s Long History of Sex Scandals” (VICE, March 2018)
“Congress Managed to Do Real Damage to Children’s Health Insurance” (VICE, February 2018)
“Chuck Schumer’s Impossible Task” (VICE, February 2018)
“Trump’s Infrastructure Plan Finally Came Out, And Man, It Fucking Sucks” (VICE, February 2018)
“Congress Is Too Cheap to Give Veterans The Benefits They Demand” (VICE, February 2018)
“Why The Hell Do Democrats Keep Trusting Mitch McConnell?” (VICE, January 2018)
“What Right-Wing Militants Are Hoping for after A Government Collapse” (VICE, October 2017)
“Trump Should Stop Bragging about Obama’s Jobs Numbers” (VICE, August 2017)
“It’s Time to Ban Nuclear Weapons, Guys” (VICE Magazine, June 2017)
“America Has Been Screwing Over Its Veterans Since The Revolutionary War” (VICE, February 2017)
“Does America Really Have A Problem with Ghost Voters?” (VICE, September 2015)
“The Most American Protest Candidates Running for President in 2016” (VICE, August 2015)
“You Might Be Able to Take A Ferry from Florida to Cuba Next Fall” (VICE, May 2015)
“The US Military Is Getting Closer to Developing Self-Guided Bullets” (VICE, May 2015)
“The Navy’s Newest Toy Is A Terrifying Sharkbeast from Hell” (VICE, December 2014)
“The US Navy Got Itself A Fancy New Laser” (VICE, December 2014)
“The Leader of the Oath Keepers Says The Right-Wing Group Is in Ferguson to ‘Protect the Weak‘” (VICE, December 2014)
New York
“Why Mayonnaise Matters in The Gentrification Debate” (GOOD, June 2015)
“Campus Colossus: NYU and Columbia Pursue a Global University, Hotly” (Capital New York, Sept 2012)
“Gray and Green: The Story of a Big-City Sewer System that Worked Too Well” (Capital New York, May 2012)
“An Immersion Course in the Gowanus Canal” (Capital New York, Oct 2010)
“Most of New York’s Congress Members Try to Wait Out the Whole Mosque Thing” (Capital New York, Aug 2010)
“The View of Downtown from Pakistan” (Capital New York, Aug 2010)
“Weiner’s Letter to Bloomberg: An Analysis” (Capital New York, Aug 2010)
“Buddy Scotto, On the Ramparts of Carroll Gardens” (Capital New York, Aug 2010)
“Islamic Studies Professors on the Mosque: It’s Complicated” (Capital New York, Aug 2010)
“The Chinatown Question” (Capital New York, July 2010)
“The Hot, Angry Weekend of the Brooklyn Young Republicans” (Capital New York, July 2010)
“Expansionist NYU Does Due-Diligence Presentation, Villagers Hiss” (Capital New York, June 2010)
“Harold Ford for Something” (Capital New York, June 2010)
General Global
“How A Sleazy American Dating Coach Became A Pro-Putin Shill in Ukraine” (Daily Beast, April 2022)
“African Countries Are Fight Back Against The Global Scourge of Cheap Clothing” (Make Change, October 2017)
“Trump Matters More for US-Cuban Relations Than Castro’s Death” (VICE, November 2016)
“Don’t Be Fooled by Brexit: British Bigotry Strikes Closer to Home Than The EU” (Matador, July 2016)
“Iran Is Offering Citizenship to The Families of Migrants Who Died Fighting Iran’s Battles” (VICE, May 2016)
“How The EU-Turkey Deal Is Impacting A Notorious Refugee Camp in Greece” (GOOD, March 2016)
“What Is Daily Life Like in Raqqa under The Current Bombing Campaign?” (VICE, November 2015)
“What You Need to Know about Europe’s Migrant Crisis” (VICE, September 2015)
“Guatemala’s Ongoing Corruption Crisis Has Turned The Country Inside-Out” (VICE, September 2015)
“Peru Announced Plans to Send an Envoy to An Uncontacted Tribe” (VICE, September 2015)
“Everything We Know So Far about The Explosions in Tianjin” (VICE, August 2015)
“Everything You Need to Know about The Iran Nuclear Deal” (VICE, July 2015)
“Libya’s Migrant Problem Gets Worse And Worse” (VICE, April 2015)
“A Dutch Group Is Suing Its Government Over Climate Change; Could We Do The Same in America?” (VICE, April 2015)
“A Japanese Engineer Allegedly Committed Suicide over A Bridge Collapse” (VICE, March 2015)
“Archaeologists Might Have Just Excavated A Secret Nazi Hideout in Argentina” (VICE, March 2015)
“The Pirate Party Is The Most Popular Political Party in Iceland” (VICE, March 2015)
“Turkey Is Considering Banning ‘Minecraft” Thanks to All Its Horrific Violence” (VICE, March 2015)
“An Indian Student Was Denied An Internship Because of His Nation’s ‘Rape Problem’” (VICE, March 2015)
“Here’s How to Design A Country’s Flag” (VICE, March 2015)
“A Finnish Punk Band with Learning Disabilities Is Going to Eurovision” (VICE, March 2015)
“Germany Plans to Republic ‘Mein Kampf’” (VICE, February 2015)
“Japan Is Opening A Hotel Staffed Almost Entirely by Robots” (VICE, February 2015)
“Why Won’t Japanese Workers Go on Vacation?” (VICE, February 2015)
“Parents: Don’t Try Your Bullshit, Whimsical Baby Names on France” (VICE, January 2015)
“World Bank Says Chances of Upward Social Mobility in India about The Same As in The US” (VICE, January 2015)
“The Chinese Government Is Creating A Database To Shame Naughty Tourists” (VICE, January 2015)
“Saudi Arabia’s Morality Police and ‘Ethical Hackers’ Are Targeting Online Pornography” (VICE, January 2015)
“Why Is Russia Trading Warplanes for Beef?” (VICE, December 2014)
“Separatist Movements and Sectarian Tensions Turned Violent in India This Week” (VICE, December 2014)
“The Iranian Government Erected A Monument to Make Nice with Its Jewish Citizens” (VICE, December 2014)
“Indonesia’s New President Infuriates Elites with Thrifty Populism” (VICE, December 2014)
“Roma Communities in Need of Medical Care in Bulgaria Might Be out of Luck” (VICE, December 2014)
“Did North Korea Launch a Cyber Attack on Sony Because It Hates Seth Rogan?” (VICE, December 2014)
“Why Is The Islamic State Trying To Eliminate Iraq’s Yazidi Minority” (VICE, August 2014)
“The Somali Hustle: How Locals Are Trying to Rebuild Their Nation’s Economy” (Liberty Project, April 2016)
“Why Chad’s Muslim Population Didn’t Oppose The Country’s Burka Ban” (VICE, August 2015)
“The Presidential Controversy Threatening to Pull Burundi Apart” (VICE, May 2015)
“Is Egypt’s $45 Billion Custom Built Mega City Realistic or Completely Insane?” (VICE, March 2015)
“Congo Wants to Explore for Oil in A UNESCO World Heritage Site” (VICE, March 2015)
“Haters vs. Hunters” (VICE, March 2015)
“Uganda’s President of 28 Years Doesn’t Want To Retire” (VICE, December 2014)
“Peace Talks in Mali: Talks without Hope” (Economist, August 2014)
“Strange New Bedfellows: Turkish-Ghanaian Bilateral Relations” (Asoko, August 2014)
“Nollywood’s New Scorecard: Nigerian Films Try to Move Upmarket” (Economist, July 2014)
“Untapped Mineral Wealth in the Congo: What Are The Effects of International Regulation?” (Asoko Insight, June 2014)
“East Africa’s Ambiguous New Corridor: Is Kenya’s LAPSSET Program Able To Connect the Region?” (Asoko Insight, June 2014)
“Cash Transfers in Africa: Bitcoin for the Poor” (Economist, June 2014)
“Mining in the Congo: Turning the Taps Back On” (Economist, May 2014)
“Oman in East Africa: Gingerly Coming Back” (Economist, April 2014)
“Will Africa’s Bread Basket Feed the Gulf States?” (Asoko, March 2014)
“Oil in Somaliland: The Black Stuff Can Be Very Useful” (The Economist, March 2014)
“Who’s to Gain from South Sudan Mediation Chaos?” (Asoko Insight, February 2014)
“Mobile Money in a Dusty Land” (Roads & Kingdoms, October 2013)
“Somali Jihadists’ Growing Pains Are A Pain For Everyone” (VICE, September 2013)
“Somaliland Is A Real Country, According to Somaliland” (VICE, June 2013)