College Publications

Out of nostalgia, I’ve decided to keep track of everything I wrote in college. I’ve broken these early pieces up by the rag for which they were written:

• Awaaz: The Voice of South Asia • The Blue & White • Bwog (Events Coverage / Film Reviews / News, Advice, and Ephemera / Personal Narratives / Student Profiles) • Columbia Daily Spectator • Columbia Political Review • The Eye • The Morningside After • Now!Here • The Oxymoron • Sanctum • Spectrum • Undergraduate Writing Program Journal


Awaaz: The Voice of South Asia
Area Studies Journal Focusing on South Asian Culture and Politics

“Editor’s Note” (May 2012)

“Editor’s Note” (May 2011)

“Snow Lion in the Bengal Tiger’s Lair, Crouching Dragon at the Door” (Nov 2009)

Water Wars: The Politics of Thirst in the Subcontinent” (April 2009)

The Blue & White
A Magazine of Columbia University

American Idol: A Conversation with Ira Glass” (Oct 2010)

Animal Collective: A Pet Lover’s Guide to Mongingside’s Menagerie” (April 2009)

A Battle of Subway Stops: Is 116th Superior to 110th?” (April 2012)

“Bluenote: Floorcest” (Sept 2009)

“Bluenote: Religion Documajor” (April 2010)

“Bluenote: Supermodels” (May 2009)

“Campus Character: Kanak Gupta” (April 2010)

“Editor’s Note” (March 2011)

“Editor’s Note” (April 2011)

“Editor’s Note” (May 2011)

“Editor’s Note” (Sept 2011)

“Editor’s Note” (Oct 2011)

“Editor’s Note” (Nov 2011)

“Editor’s Note” (Dec 2011)

“Ivy Clubs: Cornell” (Nov 2009)

“Ivy Clubs: Harvard” (Nov 2009)

“Ivy Clubs: Yale” (Nov 2009)

New World Order” (Jan 2011)

“Inside Roary the Lion” (November 2009)

Paper Chasers” (Spet 2010)

“Powersuite: Rowers’ House” (Oct 2009)

Pre-Existing Condition” (April 2010)

Resolving Dissonance: Drama in the A Cappella Community” (April 2012)

“Should You Shave?” (March 2011)

Speaking in Tongues” (Nov 2010)

Talking Dirty” (Feb 2012)

A Touchy Issue” (Feb 2012)

Your Name Here” (March 2011)

The Unofficial Blog of Columbia University and Morningside Heights
*Grouped By Content Type


Bruno Latour and the Global Paradox” (Feb 2009)

BwogSex: Sex Toys 101” (Feb 2010)

Casino Night” (Jan 2010)

Columbia Goes Global: The University’s Mission” (April 2011)

A Conversation with Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf” (March 2011)

CU Bhangra: A Little Light before the Finals Tunnel” (Dec 2010)

Dutch Babies: Not So Sweet” (Oct 2009)

Eid al-Adha with the Muslim Students Association” (Nov 2009)

Ending the Silence about Sexual Violence” (April 2010)

Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi: As He Likes It” (Sept 2010)

An Evening with the Vagina” (Feb 2010)

Fireside Chat: DSpar and the Sorting Hat” (Oct 2009)

Freside Chat: DSpar Speaks in Tongues!” (March 2010)

Fireside Chat: PrezBo Serves Tasty Hope to Grad Students” (April 2010)

Freedom of Speech: The Controversy; Or, Bernard-Henri Levy + Peter Awn, A Love Story” (Jan 2010)

Go East(erly), Young Man!” (Nov 2009)

The Health Care Debate” (Oct 2009)

Let’s Get Ready to Romney!” (Aug 2010)

Love for (Love): NOMADS Review” (Oct 2009)

Nepal on Nepal–A Screed” (Spet 2009)

Pakistan-India: What’s Next?” (Nov 2009)

Religion and Sexuality” (March 2010)

Robert Darnton: Google, Libraries, and the Digital Future” (Sept 2009)

Sach-ed Again” (Nov 2009)

Two Dudes Shilling” (Feb 2010)

Uighur Leader Rebiya Kadeer” (Sept 2009)

We Heart Bharrat Jagdeo” (Sept 2009)

Women, Peace and Security–Challenges Ahead” (Oct 2009)

Your Dream Lecture” (Feb 2010)


“Ball Hard with the Bard” (Dec 2009)

“A Dash of Holiday Cheer” (Dec 2009)

“Dirty Little Secrets” (Oct 2009)

“Don’t Wake Me” (Nov 2009)

“Film-Noir Fest” (Oct 2009)

“Get Yourself Westboro Baptized” (Sept 2009)

“In Honor and Awe of the Lerner Hall Hotdog Machine” (Sept 2009)

“Hope? Hope!” (Oct 2009)

“If You Can Still Afford It” (April 2009)

“It Can Sooth Your Post-Vacation Pain” (March 2009)

“Left-Wing, Communist, Jewish, Homosexual Pornographers” (Nov 2009)

“Life Is Tough” (Dec 2009)

“Pass The Gravy Boat, Goddamnit” (Nov 2009)

“Three Movies to Help You Get Down with the Sickness” (Feb 2009)

“Three Post-Apocalyptic Civilization Movies” (Oct 2008)

“A Very Spring Break Tour of Netflix” (March 2009)

“Violence!” (Nov 2009)

“We Were All Freshmen Once” (April 2009)

“What, You Were Expecting Some Other Holiday?” (Oct 2009)

“The WTF Awards!? Edition” (Oct 2009)


AskBwog: Can I Major in Undeclared/Are THere Any Secrets about Declaration I Should Know?” (March 2011)

Barnard Students Dread Daylight Savings Time” (Oct 2009)

Big Brother Lives in McBain” (Nov 2009)

In Defense of the McBain Shaft” (March 2010)

Frugal Finals Food” (May 2010)

Harmony Hop” (Sept 2009)

The Long and Short of It: Your Haircut Options” (Nov 2010)

Maverick Mark ‘Tenured’ Taylor Slams Tenure” (July 2010)

NSOP Schedules Are Here! And We Know What You’re Doing Next Week” (Aug 2010)

A Turkey Showdown” (Nov 2009)

Unapproved Brews for Fighting the Flu” (Oct 2009)

University Senate Leaves Calendar Problems Outstanding” (April 2010)


Concrete Jungle Where Dreams Are Disturbed” (Sept 2010)

Hometown Nostalgia: Spokane Edition” (Jan 2011)

Senior Wisdom: Mark Hay” (May 2012)


Hidden Talents: The Contortionist” (Oct 2009)

Hidden Talents: The Lock Pick” (Nov 2009)

Hidden Talents: The Kid with the Yo-Yo” (March 2011)

Hidden Talents: The Performer of Magic” (Nov 2009)

Nom Nom Nom! The Delicious Dream of Nom^3” (April 2010)

“OMG We Know the Tamasha Girl!” (April 2010)

Columbia Daily Spectator
The Daily Newspaper of Columbia University

“Bringing South Asia into Context on Campus Between the Covers” (Feb 2010)

“Constructive Challenges” (Sept 2012)

“The Death of Spontaneity” (Dec 2009)

“For the Love of Love” (Feb 2010)

“Getting the Spark Back in Your Community Service” (April 2010)

“It’s Ten O’Clock: Do You Know Where Your Money Is?” (Nov 2009)

“Journey to the Center of Columbia” (Oct 2009)

“KCCC: Is It All You Imagined It Would Be?” (Oct 2009)

“Keep Iran Open” (Oct 2011)

“Keeping Sex Healthy” (Feb 2012)

“Looking Good Means Feeling Good” (Feb 2012)

“Loosing My Religion, Gaining My Religion?” (Jan 2010)

“Love the Life You Live” (April 2012)

“Madoff, Money, Madness, and You!” (Oct 2010)

“A Modest Proposal” (Jan 2012)

“Not Just Your Same Old Club” (March 2012)

“Overcoming Perpetual Problems, Never Losing Hope” (Feb 2012)

“Professing Wellness” (March 2012)

“A Sadly Justifiable Paranoia” (Sept 2009)

“Spirituality Can Help Columbians Be Well” (April 2012)

“Students in the USenate: Minority Whipped” (April 2012)

“Sympathy for the Devil’s Advocate” (March 2012)

“As You Read This, Hundreds of Mice Feast in McBain” (March 2010)

“Why We Must Engage on Our Forum” (Sept 2012)

Columbia Political Review
The Undergraduate Political Journal of Columbia University

ACE Forum: A Look at CIA Drone Killings II” (Oct 2010)

Babel’s Lemmings” (Oct 2009)

Didactic Deceit: Revealing the Ugly Truth Behind Higher Education” (Oct 2011)

“Editor’s Note” (May 2011)

“Editor’s Note” (March 2011)

“Editor’s Note” (Dec 2010)

“Editor’s Note” (Oct 2010)

Friending Cuba: Easing Access Across the Florida Straits” (Dec 2009)

Hope for Somalia Insha’Allah: Decoding the Factions” (May 2010)

More Money, More Problems: The Logic of Slums” (Dec 2011)

The Eye
The Magazine of the Columbia Daily Spectator

Exporting Education: Why Universities Are Expanding Globally” (April 2012)

Unshackling Pornography: The Academic Legitimization of a Social Taboo” (Feb 2010)

The Morningside After
A Small, Student Journal of Sex and Sexuality

Exploring the Kinkier Side of Porn” (Nov 2011)

These (Dorm) Walls Are Paper Thin” (April 2012)

Columbia University’s Journal of Travel Writing

A Roadside Iftar” (Dec 2011)

The Oxymoron
The Satirical Magazine of Oxford University

Overzealous Revival of Brick Stealing Results in Jenga Style Disaster” (Fake Headline, Dec 2012)

University To Send Students 10,000 Page Guide to Green Living” (Fake Headline, Dec 2012)

The Student Journal of Religious Studies at Columbia University

Conversations with a Sardar” (Dec 2011)

Convert Blues” (May 2011)

The Blog of the Columbia Daily Spectator

“A Guilty Break, or My Pseudo Adventures in Agriculture” (March 2010)

“Cast Your Vote Against Living in Siberia” (April 2010)

“End Times!” (April 2010)

“I’m Covered in Bees!” (April 2010)

“Parting Words” (May 2010)

“Sex, Not Candy, Is the Best Study Aid” (March 2010)

“Showing Support, Even at a Loss for Words” (March 2010)

“Study Daze” (March 2010)

“I Walked into a Pole, and So Can You!” (April 2010)

“Where All the Feminists At?” (March 2010)

Undergraduate Writing Program Journal
A Collection of High-Marks Freshman Essays

A False Hope: The Historical Exiles’ Refuge” (May 2009)